Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Doom Tree Casting Call

The first production of AniMyu has been decided and it will be based on the 13 episode "Doom Tree" of the Sailor Moon R series!!

I'm absolutely excited and cannot wait to see the process of this production begin!

I've gotten such a great response with different types of people applying and now I'm going to make the deadline for the Doom Tree cast the end of December!

Here's the overall plot of the Doom Tree arc.

"In these episodes, Usagi Tsukino and her friends are reborn on Earth, having defeated the Dark Kingdom, with their memories of the last year erased. Two new transfer students, Seijūrō and Natsumi, join Usagi's class at Jūban Junior high school. Around the same time, two new enemies appear, calling themselves Ail and Ann. They had wandered space alone for many years before reaching Earth, where there finally find energy to collect for the "Makaiju" so that it can continue to thrive and give them regenerative energy. To do this, they drain the life energy of humans by way of creatures known as Cardians. Seeing the danger, Luna reawakens Sailor Moon and the rest of the Sailor Senshi to fight these enemies." - Wikipedia

Now onto the roles for this production!!

We are looking to cast:


Ali takes on the persona of Seijūrō Ginga and lives with his "sister" in Jūban Odyssey Apartments. While trying to blend in with the humans at Usagi's school, Ail develops the role of brother to his girlfriend, Ann. He develops a crush on Usagi, and constantly tries to win her over, much to Ann (and Mamoru's) dislikes. He constantly denies these feeling to his girlfriend Ann due to her being known to have fits of jealous rage. Ail uses his flute to summon Cardians, allowing Ann to select which one he will summon.

Ann takes on the persona of Natsumi Ginga and lives with her "brother" in Jūban Odyssey Apartments. She develops a crush on Mamoru, and constantly tries to win him over, much to Ail's (and Usagi's) dislike. Ann's strongest trait is her fits of jealously induced rage. She tries very hard to impress both Ali and Mamoru.

Ali and Ann's roles are very close. People chosen for this MUST get along. They have a strong attachment to each other (as they are boyfriend and girlfriend) but are trying to come off as a sibling pair. Looking for a 2 males and 2 females around the same height to play these two!!

 For the roles of Ali and Ann I'm looking to cast TWO people to play each part. Meaning that I would like to have separate actors for both Ali and Ann's human and alien forms. Because of time limitations on this particular production and with the amount of make up needed for their alien forms it will be easier if they are kept apart. (This might however change so please keep checking back)

Makaiju, itself is an alien tree that nourishes Ail and Ann, but has become unhealthy and requires energy to stay alive. Originally it lived all by itself on a lonely planet that was covered with water. Then one day life was born from the tree's pods, and it was no longer alone. These life forms depended upon the energy of the Makaiju. They soon began to fight over it and they became consumed by hatred. They destroyed the planet and the Makaiju had to escape into space.

The role is very important. The role of the tree I would prefer to be played by a female. The role of this Tree I would like also in the future to play other villains, if the actress prefers to.

Sailor Senshi:

Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury

Ami is a shy girl who did not make friends easily, preferring to be alone with her books instead. Her classmates mistook her withdrawn nature for arrogance, so they did not approach her either until Usagi started doing so.

Usually calm and level-headed, she was the voice of reason of the Senshi team. The others often relied on her plans and analyses, but they often thought she should "loosen up" more. Ami in the musical continuity was far less shy and naive than in the other versions, and would sometimes even speak harshly to Usagi.

Rei Hino/Sailor Mars

Rei Hino is a hot blooded, strong-willed, somewhat bossy yet well-meaning girl who wanted to be everything from a globe-trotting business woman to musical idol, as well as have a boyfriend. She seemed to show her affection to the people she cares the most about in odd ways, such as her teasing Usagi or joking with Yuuichirou.

Though Rei sometimes bickered with Usagi, she clearly cared about her and valued her friendship very much, and often seemed closer to her than the other Senshi.

Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter

Makoto bounced from school to school, often having to leave because she was getting into fights. Even after she transferred to Juuban Municipal Junior High School, she still wore the uniform from her previous school while a student there, as she was unusually tall and they did not have her size available at the time.

A tough exterior with a gentle heart and unwavering loyalty. Makoto often spoke of going to China to learn about Chinese cuisine.

Minako Aino/Sailor Venus

Minako is shown to have both silly and serious sides. She is strongly devoted to her friends and her duties as a Senshi. Similar to Usagi, she was an academic underachiever, and would refer to Usagi at times as her "make-up tests partner." She was, however, much more athletic than Usagi, especially when it came to volleyball.

Overly loud at times, a little obsessive, and slightly perverted. She was always true to her mission as a Senshi, however, and would do what was necessary to protect her friends.

Mamoru Chiba/Moon Light Knight

Mamoru's personality was very brash at first, especially toward Usagi Tsukino and, to a lesser extent, some of her friends, such as Makoto Kino. It was slowly revealed that his brashness stemmed from the fact that he was orphaned on his sixth birthday in a terrible car crash that left him with his first bout of amnesia, and therefore he had some trouble opening up to others on a deep level.

He is generally supportive of the girls, and does his best to cheer up Usagi and Chibiusa when they were upset, though he also sometimes struggled to keep up with their antics.

If you wish to apply for a character other than the ones listed please do! We will be having future performances including all villians and senshi (both inner and outer) though out these performances!!

All applicants are HIGHLY encouraged to send in the applications ASAP!!! The longer you wait to submit the lesser chance you will have at your desired role! All submissions are to be in by the FIRST WEEK OF JANUARY. The reason being so quick is because it only takes 5 mins to fill said form and take a video.

I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and working on this production!!!

- Usagi

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sera Myu Production

Sera Myu was an extremely successful musical production in Japan which ran from 1993-2005.

That is about 12 years running long!

Here are some video clips to give you somewhat of an idea of the type of performance and dance that will be taking place within the group.

Wake Up Shining

21st Century - Koi No Senshi ja Irarenai

Knockin Down Hesitation

Drive Me Mercury

 Honoo no Messenger

Zigzag Slash

Traditional the Grace

Moment Fatal

La Soilder

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Casting for AniMyu's production of Sera Myu


This is the first ever post of AniMyu!!

What exactly is AniMyu?
Well I'm glad you asked! The name "AniMyu" comes from the compound word Anime and Musical. Musicals are often referred to as Myu for short. AniMyu is a New York City based cosplay performance group that specializes in musical type performance! Many animes that are well known and loved such as Sailor Moon, Kuroshitsuji, Sakura Taisen, Bleach and many more have been turned into successful musical productions! AniMyu is a group of cosplayers dedicated to reproduce those same performances here in New York City.

As of now however this is but a big dream of one person, but you can help!

Do you enjoy performing in the style of musicals?
Do you find pleasure in acting?
Love being in front of an audience?
You have the chance to join AniMyu!!

Just fill out application on this post and submit it to

We are currently looking to cast the parts of the Inner Senshi.
All spots are open!
Pick a character you like and fill out the app!


Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Venus are ALL OPEN to cast!
Please specify which senshi you would prefer to be when you fill out the application!!

Also when you submit your app please also upload a video of yourself dancing. Anime dances are Okay, but please show me something to the best of your abilities. Any and all types of music and dancing are welcome! PLEASE KEEP THE VIDEOS TO A MAX OF 3 MINS!! I will be looking through others too, so please be respectful of my time.

This is a non profit group. If chosen be aware you will not be paid. This is purely for fan purposes, so unfortunately I can not afford to pay you. All costumes that you will wear for performances will be bought, made, or paid by YOU! Your cosplay you will wear will be your responsibility.If and when we have to travel you must be available to do so. If chosen and you decide you're going to "flake out" or skip multiple practices, after a number of times you will be kicked from the group. This is to be a serious performance group. We will all have fun but keep in mind you will be working with others so you must not only think of yourself, but also the group!

Well that's pretty much it!! If there's anything else I've forgotten, or if you have any questions then please leave a comment and I'll try to respond as quick as I can!

- Usagi


E Mail:
Dance Experience: 
First Sailor Senshi (or charcter) of choice:
Secondary Sailor Senshi of choice (if your first isn't available):
Why do you want to join AniMyu?
What do you think you can bring to this group?
Are you currently in school? 
If yes then please specify (High School, College....):
Are you able to sing:
If yes could you also please include a sample of your singing?
Do you like Sailor Moon?
Do you love Sailor Moon?